Sharon Housing Partnership

June 9, 2009 Meeting Minutes- Approved November 17, 2009


In attendance: Susan Saunders, Alan Lury, Lou Modestino,  Jane Desberg

Guests: Hesham Sadak and Emad Sadak


Meeting stated at 7:30pm


Voted 3-0-1 to approve SHP Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2009


Hunter’s Ridge

The Hunter’s Ridge site has been sold to Michael Intoccia.   Mr. Intoccia intends to demolish the existing ranch style houses and to build 29 high end ones on the site located off North Main Street.   Jane Desberg has spoken to Bob Shelmerdine, Mr. Intoccia’s attorney.  None of the new houses will be affordable.  It is a shame to tear down 3 year old houses as some have remained vacant.   Jane Desberg to speak with Roni Thaler about the feasibility of moving some of the houses to town owned property. The houses would be sold as deed restricted affordable homes.   Alan Lury will e-mail Mr. Shelmerdine, outlining the tax benefits of donating the houses to the town for relocation. 


Community Preservation Grant

SHP members discussed project ideas to submit to the Community Preservation Committee for funding.   Jane Desberg will write grant applications.   The SHP will submit two applications:

The first one is to hire a consultant to evaluate and create a master plan of all unrestricted town owned property and to determine if any of the parcels are appropriate to build affordable housing.

The second one is for a Housing Easement Program.  This program would give financial aid to qualified seniors living in their own homes.  This money would allow the owner to remain in his/her home.  In exchange, the owner must consent to a deed restriction which would allow the house to be sold as affordable at the time of sale.


Johnson Road

Mr. Hesham Sadak and Mr. Emad Sadak attended the meeting at the invitation of the SHP.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the potential development of the land abutting Mr. E. Sadak’s property on Johnson Road.   Alan Lury described the SHP’s interest in affordable home ownership, affordable housing guidelines and the value of this type of housing for the community.  The group looked at a map of the area and discussed the sliver of land that Mr. E. Sadak must release to the County in order for any project to proceed.   The SHP had already met with Mr. Chitvanni, who owns land on the other side of the town property, who also expressed an interest in housing.    Both Mr. H. Sadak and Mr. E. Sadak expressed support of a housing project with the provision that no housing would be built between their driveway and the property line.  They will only support  housing and want this assurance in writing, such as a Memorandum of Understanding prior to releasing the land.   Susan Saunders will contact Town Administrator, Ben Puritz to discuss this matter.

Sacred Heart Property

Susan Gittleman of B’nai B’rith Housing asked for the SHP’s support of housing at the Sacred Heart site.  Jane Desberg moved to send a letter to the Sacred Heart Re-Use Committee supporting age restricted housing at that site.  Alan Lury seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  Mary Tobin volunteered to write the letter. 


Next meeting will be on July 14th.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Jane Desberg
SHP Member